Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not previously or simultaneously submit to other scientific journal. A good quality of written English is required. Spelling may be in British or American English but must be consistent throughout the paper. If the English is not good enough, the manuscript will be sent back to the authors. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by using the System online submission of the website. To be consistent with the international standards of publishing scientific research the manuscript should have a specific number of words, maximum 4000 word for all the manuscript including the abstract. Four copies of manuscripts should be submitted. They must be in type-written (Microsoft Office Word®), However submitting the manuscript online will be more acceptable, with the following manuscript layout:
Paper size: A4 (210 × 297 mm).
From Edge: Header 1.25 cm and Footer 1.5 cm.
Margins: Top 2.7 cm, Bottom 3 cm, Left 2.7 cm and Right 2.7 cm.
The lines must be continuously numbered; the pages must also be numbered.
Font Times New Roman 12 should be used for the text.
Typed with double line spacing.
The sections should typically be assembled in the following order: Title, Authors, Authors' full affiliations including department and post/zip codes, Corresponding author, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion (or separate), Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures. Paper title (a) The title needs to be concise and informative. (b) ALL CAPS, Font Times New Roman, Size 14 Bold, Centered. Title page This should include the author(s) name (initials or given name preceding surname), department, institution and complete address. Example: M. A. Kosba1*; F. H. Abdou2; and M. Bahie El-Deen1 (Font 12 Bold) 1 Faculty of Agriculture, Poultry Production Department, Alexandria University. (Font 12) 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Poultry Production Department, El-Menofiya University. (Font 12) * Corresponding author: Mohamed Kosba; E-mail:
Abstract (maximum 300 words)
The abstract should be complete and understandable without reference to the paper. It should immediately precede the introduction, states the purpose, methods, results and conclusion presented in the manuscript.
Keywords are essential in information retrieval and should complement the title with respect to indicating the subject of the paper. It should be short and specific. It should be no more than five keywords.
It should be constructed so as to be intelligible without under reference to the text and must be typewritten on separate pages.
Figures Figures should be as simple as possible. It should be submitted smooth white Bristol Board in Indian ink with marginal lettering. An indication is given in the text where the figure should be inserted.
Full references should be stated in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author. The year of publication, title of the article in full, the name of the journal, the volume number and the inclusion pages. The abbreviations of the titles of various journal and publications should conform these recommended the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, 4th edition. Example: Nestor, K. E.; Bacon, W. L.; and Lambio, A. L. 1983. Divergent selection. Poult. Sci., 62: 1548-1552. For Books: the references should include the name of the author, initial date, title of the book, edition number (if there is more than one) and the name and address of the publisher. For Proceedings: the references should include the name of the author(s), initial date, title of the paper, proceeding title, location of the proceeding, pp. first- last page numbers. Proofs: Page proofs will be sent to the authors (or first named author of multiple authorship Mss.). The proofs should be corrected immediately on reaccept and returned by registered mail to the Editorial Secretary. Reprints: Twenty-five reprints are allowed free of charge. Extra reprints at additional cost have to be ordered from the Editorial Secretary at the time of the author’s receive the galley proofs.
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Alexandria Bank, Saad Zaghloul Branch The Egyptian account: 202000845001 The Foreign account: 202000845002 For Egyptians: 120 L.E. (with submission) for review and 50 L.E. (before publish) for each published page. For Foreigners: 100 $ (with submission) for both review and publish.