1department of poultry production Focality of Agriculture Ain Shams University
2poultry production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University
The current study aimed to validate the effect of adding flaxseed oil into diets Saudi local strain laying hens, on their performance, cholesterol, and fatty acid profile of egg yolk. The study used 80 layers of Hager one local Saudi strain at 31 weeks of age. The hens were allocated into four treatment groups for 12 weeks experimental period. The four groups of hens were fed isocaloric corn-soy basal diet supplemented with, 3% palm oil (T1,control), 2% palm oil + 1% flaxseed oil (T2), 1% palm oil + 2% flaxseed oil (T3) or 3% flaxseed oil (T4). The main results indicated that, egg production percentage and average egg mass increased significantly due to adding 3% flaxseed oil into laying hen diets. The values of egg yolk (%), yolk color index, egg albumin (%) and eggshell (%) were not affected significantly due to adding flaxseed oil into diets. Flaxseed supplementation significantly reduced plasma and yolk content of cholesterol and plasma triglycerides, while egg triglycerides level was not affected. Inclusion of flaxseed oil into laying hen diets decreased yolk content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Egg content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increased clearly. There is a slight increment in linoleic (18:2) fatty acid ratios due to treatment. The increment in linoleic fatty acid was slight because it may be used for synthesis longer chain fatty acids. The ratio of omega3 α-Linolenic fatty acid (C18:3), was multiplied due to adding 3% flaxseed oil into laying hen diets. The study concluded that, enriched flaxseed oil into laying hen diets improve egg quality. However, feasibility study is still needed for evaluating the production of this type of egg economically.