Kairalla, M. (2016). UTILIZATION OF POTATO PEELS AS A FIBER SOURCE IN FEEDING TWO LINES OF GROWING RABBIT. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36(2), 513-532. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168794
M. A. Kairalla. "UTILIZATION OF POTATO PEELS AS A FIBER SOURCE IN FEEDING TWO LINES OF GROWING RABBIT". Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36, 2, 2016, 513-532. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168794
Kairalla, M. (2016). 'UTILIZATION OF POTATO PEELS AS A FIBER SOURCE IN FEEDING TWO LINES OF GROWING RABBIT', Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36(2), pp. 513-532. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168794
Kairalla, M. UTILIZATION OF POTATO PEELS AS A FIBER SOURCE IN FEEDING TWO LINES OF GROWING RABBIT. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 2016; 36(2): 513-532. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168794
1Poultry prod. Dept., Fac. of Agric., Alexandria Univ.
Total numbers of 300 growing V. and Alex. rabbits at age of 4-weeks were used to study the effect of dietary potato peels as a partial replacement at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20% of dietary fiber inclusion. Rabbits of each line were randomly classified into five equal groups (30 each). The 1th group received the basal diet and served as control diet. The other four groups received the basal diet with replacement potato peels meal at the studied levels, respectively. The chemical composition of the potato peels meal clearly shows that it contains 14% crude protein, 15.6% crude fiber and 57.1% nitrogen free extract and these compounds falls within ranges of studied wheat brain and Alfalfa hay. While, ether extract and ash content of potato peels meal were higher than those of other studied materials. Significant difference was recorded for body weight, gain, feed intake and feed conversion as a result of lines difference over all the experimental growth period (4-10) week old. In that, average body weight of Alex. rabbits and its gain were higher than those of V. line. The opposite was true with feed intake, where rabbits of V. line consumed more diet compared with those of Alex. line. Dietary potato peels meal treatments (10%) significantly increased body weight and weight gain and consequently feed intake was also increased. Meanwhile, the best score of feed conversion was attained with Alex. rabbits fed inclusion level of 10% potato peels meal. This trend did not continue but it significantly decreased as increasing inclusion level up to 20% and resulted to impaired feed conversion which being 3. 89 for V. rabbits and followed by 3.37 for Alex. rabbits. The relative economic efficiency of the different formulated diets as affected by dietary treatments of 5 and 10% were highly by 8.9 and 16.1% over the corresponding of the control group for Alex. rabbits and followed by 7.2 and 5.5% over the control group of V. rabbits, respectively. In conclusion, potato peel meal can be used as a good alternative source of fiber at levels of 5 and 10% in growing V. and Alex. rabbits diets, respectively with a good influence on productive performance and can be considered a cheap of fiber ingredients in rabbits diets formations.