EL-Deep, M. (2016). POSSIBLE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF GLUTATHIONE IN PREVENTING AFLATOXICOSIS IN EGYPTIAN LAYING HENS. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36(2), 543-560. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168796
M. H. EL-Deep. "POSSIBLE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF GLUTATHIONE IN PREVENTING AFLATOXICOSIS IN EGYPTIAN LAYING HENS". Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36, 2, 2016, 543-560. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168796
EL-Deep, M. (2016). 'POSSIBLE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF GLUTATHIONE IN PREVENTING AFLATOXICOSIS IN EGYPTIAN LAYING HENS', Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36(2), pp. 543-560. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168796
EL-Deep, M. POSSIBLE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF GLUTATHIONE IN PREVENTING AFLATOXICOSIS IN EGYPTIAN LAYING HENS. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 2016; 36(2): 543-560. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.168796
Animal Prod. Res. Inst, Agric. Res. Center, Ministry of Agric, Egypt, Egypt
This study, glutathione (GSH) was used as feed supplements to ameliorate the deleterious effect of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on egg quality, semen quality, fertility and hatchability, immune response to Newcastle disease virus ( NDV), and AFB1 residual in fresh meat , liver and egg yolk. A total number of 120 Inshas laying hens ( Egyptian native strain) plus 24 cockerels from strain of 28 weeks of age were randomly distributed into 4 groups with 3 replicates each (10 hens + 1 cockeral). The remaining 12 cocks were also divided into four groups of 3 cocks each and reared separately for semen evaluation. The treatments were follow. 1: was the control basal diet which save all nutrients requirements of Inshas strain (control) ; 2: birds fed on control diet supplemented with ( 0.5 mg glutathion / kg diet, GSH); 3: birds fed on control diet contaminated with 1000 ppb of aflatoxin B1/ kg diet,AFB1, 4: birds fed on AFB1diet and supplemented with 0.5 mg glutathione / kg diet, AFB1+ GSH . The obtained results showed that feeding AFB1 diet significantly decreased egg shell weight%, egg shell-thickness, fertility, hatchability, moreover, the relative weights of liver, spleen, kidney and gizzard were significantly increased. In addition, emboryonic mortality percent was increased while, the overall semen quality measurements were depressed. Also AFB1 diet icreased the oxidative stress including depression of activities of antioxidant enzymes (GSH-Px, SOD and CAT) and increase MDA concentration in spleen extract. Addition of glutathione to AFB1 diet could make significant improvements of most of measurements including egg quality, semen quality, fertility, antioxidant status, immune status against NDV. Generally it could be recommend adding glutathione to decrease some of the adverse effects of aflatoxin B1on Inshas developed chicken strain