Abdel-Kafy, E., Zayed, S., Behiry, F., Gorgy, M., Ahmed, M., Ibraheim, S. (2022). ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH, CARCASS TRAITS, AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF BRONZE, AND WHITE TURKEYS (MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO), AND THEIR CROSSES. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 42(3), 355-372. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.264656
ELSAYED Mahfouz Abdel-Kafy; Sherif Zayed; Fatma Mohammed Behiry; Michael Gorgy; Mahmoud A.M. Ahmed; Samya E. Ibraheim. "ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH, CARCASS TRAITS, AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF BRONZE, AND WHITE TURKEYS (MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO), AND THEIR CROSSES". Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 42, 3, 2022, 355-372. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.264656
Abdel-Kafy, E., Zayed, S., Behiry, F., Gorgy, M., Ahmed, M., Ibraheim, S. (2022). 'ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH, CARCASS TRAITS, AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF BRONZE, AND WHITE TURKEYS (MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO), AND THEIR CROSSES', Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 42(3), pp. 355-372. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.264656
Abdel-Kafy, E., Zayed, S., Behiry, F., Gorgy, M., Ahmed, M., Ibraheim, S. ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH, CARCASS TRAITS, AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF BRONZE, AND WHITE TURKEYS (MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO), AND THEIR CROSSES. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 2022; 42(3): 355-372. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.264656
2Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Dokki 12651-Giza, Egypt
3Rabbits, turkey and water fowls researches Department, Animal and Poultry production research institute, Agriculture research center,Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
4Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza 12651, Egypt
Crossbreeding has the advantage of benefiting from the effect of heterosis. A current crossbreeding experiment was conducted using Black Bronze (BB) and Large White Converter (CC) turkeys. Artificial insemination of 40 mature hens of CC with 6 toms of BB, and 40 mature hens of BB with 6 toms of CC were used to obtain F1 of the two turkey crosses (CB and BC) respectively. A total of 160 poults of the four groups of turkeys were taken in the evaluation in this study. This evaluation included some growth and carcass traits, and some biochemical blood and oxidative profile parameters. It was noticed that the body weight at different ages was higher in the large white turkeys-Converter, CC group, and then the crossbreed BC (BB toms × CC hens) group. The means of daily weight gain (DWG) and feed intake (FI) at different periods of age were highly significant (P≤0.05) high in CC followed by BC and CB turkeys. Feed conversion (FC) reached the lowest values in CC while the BB genotype was having the highest values. The crosses showed significant values in percentages of carcass/live body weight compared to BB. The hind part of the carcass differed significantly (P≤0.05) among the four groups of birds regardless of other parts (neck, wing, and chest/carcass). Blood serum protein, glucose, urea, and albumin levels were not significantly affected by the genotype. However, globulin and triglyceride levels were affected significantly (P≤0.05) by the genotype. Oxidative profile parameters were affected significantly (P≤0.05) by the genotype. The crossbreeding parameters obtained showed that the additive effect was significant for DWG and FI during the periods from hatching to 24 weeks while it was not significant for FC. The additive effects were not significant for carcass traits, and biochemical blood profile parameters except for glutathione reductase and total antioxidant capacity. The cross effect was significant for DWG during the periods hatching-12, only. The cross effect in FI during the period from hatching to 24 weeks was significant while it was not significant in FC. The cross effects of the two reciprocal crosses were not significant in all carcass parameters and biochemical blood profiles. The oxidative profile was not significantly different in the cross effect except for hydrogen peroxide (HP) and; malondialdehyde. Presumably, the crossbreeding between large white Converter turkeys with Bronze turkeys was to benefit from the effect of heterosis. The crosses have a growth performance and carcass traits higher with a relative growth advantage when the hens were Hybrid Converters. The first generation in crossbreeding could be submitted to selection for the constitution of a synthetic strain.