Al-Fehaid, M., Fathi, M., Al-Homidan, I., Abou-Emera, O. (2022). EFFECT OF YUCCA (YUCCA SHIDIGERA) EXTRACT SUPPLEMENTATION ON EGG PRODUCTION, EGG QUALITY AND IMMUNE RESPONSE OF LAYING HENS. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 42(4), 483-500. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.278545
Mohamed Fahd Al-Fehaid; Moataz M. Fathi; Ibrahim Hamad Al-Homidan; osama K. Abou-Emera. "EFFECT OF YUCCA (YUCCA SHIDIGERA) EXTRACT SUPPLEMENTATION ON EGG PRODUCTION, EGG QUALITY AND IMMUNE RESPONSE OF LAYING HENS". Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 42, 4, 2022, 483-500. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.278545
Al-Fehaid, M., Fathi, M., Al-Homidan, I., Abou-Emera, O. (2022). 'EFFECT OF YUCCA (YUCCA SHIDIGERA) EXTRACT SUPPLEMENTATION ON EGG PRODUCTION, EGG QUALITY AND IMMUNE RESPONSE OF LAYING HENS', Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 42(4), pp. 483-500. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.278545
Al-Fehaid, M., Fathi, M., Al-Homidan, I., Abou-Emera, O. EFFECT OF YUCCA (YUCCA SHIDIGERA) EXTRACT SUPPLEMENTATION ON EGG PRODUCTION, EGG QUALITY AND IMMUNE RESPONSE OF LAYING HENS. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 2022; 42(4): 483-500. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2022.278545
1Department of Animal Production and Breeding, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, Al-Qassim 51452, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Poultry Breeding, Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Establishing stability between declining ecological influences and livestock growth is essential to confirming the sustainability of animal protein supply. In order to produce clean and healthy poultry products, it is necessary to add medicinal natural plant additives to the feed. Yucca shidigera found to do this mission in addition to it could be cultivated under tropical conditions of desert, which ensures its possibility for use as a tool for encountering the worldwide climate changes. Two Hundred and seventy (270) laying hens were used for studying the effect of two levels of yucca (0.25%, 250 g/ ton and 0.50%, 500 g/ ton) against control group. Egg production, quality, feed conversion ratio and cellular immune response were examined. Inclusion of Yucca shidigera in laying hens diet improved productive performance (egg number, mass and weight), Haugh unit, shell percentage, shell thickness, feed conversion ratio and partially cellular immune response. Yucca shidigera exhibited that it is capable of improving egg productive and quality criteria, feed efficiency and immune activity. So, Yucca may be incorporated in laying hens diet with a positive effect.However, the results of this study show the need for more research to study the economic cost of adding yucca to poultry diets and to confirm the recommendations of this study.