SOLIMAN, A., Kosba, M., El-Deen, M., shibl, M., rabie, T. (2016). STUDYING OF SOME PRODUCTIVE CHARACTERS IN A CROSS BETWEEN ALEXANDRIA, SASO AND FAYOUMI CHICKENS. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36(2), 465-479. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.29925
ahmed SOLIMAN; Mohamed Kosba; Mohamed Bahi El-Deen; mostafa kamal shibl; tarik rabie. "STUDYING OF SOME PRODUCTIVE CHARACTERS IN A CROSS BETWEEN ALEXANDRIA, SASO AND FAYOUMI CHICKENS". Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36, 2, 2016, 465-479. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.29925
SOLIMAN, A., Kosba, M., El-Deen, M., shibl, M., rabie, T. (2016). 'STUDYING OF SOME PRODUCTIVE CHARACTERS IN A CROSS BETWEEN ALEXANDRIA, SASO AND FAYOUMI CHICKENS', Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36(2), pp. 465-479. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.29925
SOLIMAN, A., Kosba, M., El-Deen, M., shibl, M., rabie, T. STUDYING OF SOME PRODUCTIVE CHARACTERS IN A CROSS BETWEEN ALEXANDRIA, SASO AND FAYOUMI CHICKENS. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 2016; 36(2): 465-479. doi: 10.21608/epsj.2016.29925
11Poutl. Prod.Dept., Fac. of Agric., Alex. Univ., Egypt
2Poultry Production Dep., Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
32Anim. Prod.Dept., Fac. of Agric., Suez Canal Univ.,Egypt.
The aims of this study were investigated the effects of crossing between Saso cocks (S) with each of Alexandria (A) and Fayoumi (F) hens on body weight at different ages and some egg production traits for two crossing generations. Data of 954 chicks were produced during 2 generations of different crossing S×A, S×F, SA×SA, SF×SF, SA×SF and their reciprocal crossing SF×SA. These data were presented different genotype groups of males and females for base and two crossing generation. The main results are summarized as follows: 1. The estimates of heterosis (H%) for a cross (♂S X ♀F) were -7.01, -35.62, -27.35and -27.20% for BW0, BW4 , BW8 and BW12 respectively. 2. The cross SF was superior to Fayoumi (native breed) by 12.6, 85.9, 109.6 and 128.9% for BW0, BW4, BW8 and BW12 respectively. 3. The estimates of heterosis (H%) for a cross (♂S X ♀A) were - 6.32 , -34.61, -29.78 and -24.19% for BW0, BW4 , BW8 and BW12 respectively. 4. The cross SA was superior to Alexandria (local improving strain) by 8.8, 87.8, 104.1 and 133.0% for BW0, BW4, BW8 and BW12 respectively. 5. In second crossing generation, the estimates of heterosis (H%) for a cross (♂SA X ♀SF) and a reciprocal cross (♂SF X ♀SA) were approximately same values for body weight at different ages and egg production traits. 6. Negative estimates in a second crossing generation for most of studied traits were shown that the second - crosses SF and SA were more better than the third – crosses which produced of crossing (♂SA X ♀SF) and their reciprocal crossing (♂SF X ♀SA).